It is important for WHS students and staff to know the basics of copyright so you don't get charged with copyright infringement. Below are a few great resources available on the web to give you the information you need to avoid breaking the copyright law.
When you are deciding a good username, it is smart to use one that resembles your name, but you want to be very careful not to actually use your actual name, and I'll cover why later. But you also want to make it one that your friends and family would know you by.
Picking the Perfect Password:
You are going to want to make the perfect password after you make the perfect user name. In that case, you want to make it as anti-theft and not guessable as possible. That means three things:
One, do not use something simple, like something relating to your name or username.
Two, use a combination of letters (upper and lower case), symbols, and numbers to secure your password more.
Lastly, DO NOT tell other people your passwords, no matter how much you trust them because you never know who could actually end up with that information.
Stranger Danger:
When you use social media you want to be careful of two things more than anything:
Never give out any personal information such as your phone number, unless you have met this person in person, or credit card number. Any information similar to that is not acceptable to give away to anyone because they could use your credit card to buy things and spend all your money, and by giving out your phone number, they can track you down and find out where you live.
Never accept friend requests from people you don't know. They could be forty year old pedophiles or they could be twenty year old criminals. Either way, it is very dangerous to ever accept a friend request from someone you do not know. If you ever get a request from someone you do not know, ask your parents, siblings and friends if they know them as well.
What NOT to Post:
Do not post personal things on the internet because you never know who is going to find it.
Never post inappropriate things on the internet, or send inappropriate thing to strangers, no matter what the people say, they could be lying, and they could post those pictures every where and ruin your life.
Cyber Bullying:
Just don't do it. It can lead people to suicide. It's a rough topic, I know, and people don't like to talk about it, but it's important. So many people die each year due to suicide, and those numbers aren't diminishing. If anything, they are growing exponentially. The thing that hurts people most about cyber bullying, is when they read it, they don't read it in another person's voice. They hear it in their own voice. The video attached is the well known story of Amanda Todd. Because of people who thought they were cool to cyber bully her, because of people who took advantage of her, she took her own life. Imagine if you were that person, how you would feel if you heard the story of the girl you pushed too far. Imagine if you were that girl who was pushed too far. How would that make you feel?